Excerpts from an assortment of bits and radio-plays I’ve written/voiced/produced over the years, many of which have aired on New York City free-form radio stations WFMU and WKCR. The final three tracks here are cover songs performed as The Wildparty Sheiks, a hokum quartet I co-founded with fellow artist Jonathan Royce. The Sheiks performed “Keep This Coupon” for Bruce Knapp, who wrote the song for his eponymous short film (ASIFA Soundtrack Craft Award).

Full Length Radio-Plays

Inspired by the bygone era “tea rooms” (Miller & Rhodes, Chesterfield, Morton’s, Clover Room) of historic Richmond, Virginia where my Victorian-era southern grandmother would meet her fellow “ladies who lunch.” © 1989 Frank Gresham

Excerpts from my monologue as master of ceremonies for the 2nd annual “Fall Fashion Spectacular” 1982 visual performance extravaganza of Richmond, VA artist/fashion plate Dale Vanderheyden, held at the Cha-Cha Palace, Richmond, VA. © 1982 Frank Gresham

“He looked down his nose, but he talked out his ass. He tried to dump on us, but he shit himself instead.” Addressing His Lowness in the only language he understands… © 2002 Frank Gresham

My first “podcast”, —long before there was such a thing. Inspired by the free-form radio stations informing the evolving musical tastes of my youth, and by a fascination with the fuzzy, ephemeral global transmissions received via shortwave radio, FRANK’S RADIO GALAXY was my 1987 “love-letter to radio,” a simulation of broadcast programming from SLIMETIME, my own fictional pirate radio station. © 1987 Frank Gresham